Study of Percentage of Coral Cover Using Manta Tow Method in Matan Island Waters, Raja Ampat Regency


  • Dwi Indah Widya Yanti Universitas Kristen Papua, Sorong
  • Sefli Ryno Universitas Kristen Papua, Sorong
  • Melisa Masengi Universitas Kristen Papua, Sorong
  • Handayani Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong



Coral Reef, Matan Island, Manta Tow Method, Percentage of Coral Reef


The waters of Matan Island are one of the waters found in Raja Ampat Regency, this water area has very diverse water resources, one of which is coral reef ecosystems. This study aims to determine the percentage of coral reef cover and coral reef conditions using the Manta Tow method. During the observations, it was found that the percentage of coral reef cover along 10 observation points with an average coral cover percentage of 29%, for dead corals with a cover percentage of 16%, coral fractures 23%, 19% sand and other biota 13%. Conditions along the observation trajectory are dominated by coral reefs and coral fractures. The distribution of coral fractures on Matan Island was caused by explosives used by local fishermen which caused damage to coral reefs.


Author Biographies

Dwi Indah Widya Yanti, Universitas Kristen Papua, Sorong



Sefli Ryno, Universitas Kristen Papua, Sorong



Melisa Masengi, Universitas Kristen Papua, Sorong



Handayani, Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong




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How to Cite

Widya Yanti, D. I., Ryno, S., Masengi, M. ., & Handayani. (2023). Study of Percentage of Coral Cover Using Manta Tow Method in Matan Island Waters, Raja Ampat Regency. INTEGRATED OF FISHERIES SCIENCE, 1(2), 72–78.


